The Assets overview page has been updated; it now includes NFT collection details, like the number of items and liquidity. We’ve also added the ability to mute certain NFT collections dexie-wide!
Mute Functionality
If you don't want to see an asset on dexie, you can mute it. This will exclude it from Trade, Recent Trades, Markets and the Asset selector.
Assets can be muted either from the Recent Trades page by selecting Mute from the dropdown next to the Inspect button, or by clicking the Mute button on the Assets page.
To unmute an asset, visit the Assets page and either search for the muted asset or select Muted Assets from the search filter dropdown.
The mute list is locally stored on your device. In the future, we plan to add the functionality to backup (export) and restore a mute list, which would even enable users to share common mute lists.
Enjoy your customized dexie browsing experience! 🦆